In his book and interviews, candidate Ben Carson revealed that as a young teen, he attempted to stab a playmate in a fit of uncontrolled anger - and was only prevented from doing so by his intended victim's metal belt buckle.
After this shocking "Bad Boy" revelation, Carson's ratings in the polls zoomed upwards.
Other candidates know a trend when they see one! And we've heard through the (totally imaginary) grapevine that the following revelations might be coming:
***** Nota bene:
These confessions are imaginary and, while adhering to the persona each
candidate seems to convey, are purely fictional - and satirical - in
nature . . . . Mostly.
We think he looks best in the blue.
When they ran Zoo this past summer, we just knew there had to be a hidden meaning. . . .
***** Nota bene: This is a fictional exchange of comments utilized for purposes of satire.
That being said, it's what most Republicans heard.
This is a new blog consisting of my fun experiments with Microsoft Paint and satirical political commentary. It is meant to be lighthearted, poking gentle - and genteel - fun at current political goings-on in Washington and beyond. Ellen