Sunday, February 21, 2016

Hillary Barks

But Can She Fetch and Play Frisbee?

As you may have heard, Hillary Clinton gave into her Animal Instincts at a campaign rally in Reno, barking like a dog, in the course of relating a folksy anecdote about an ad which aired in rural Arkansas.

Our first reaction: Candidate Clinton and a "folksy" anecdote? or "rural" anything? It seems a stretch, but perhaps we are underestimating her. Next, an appearance at the Grand Ole Opry?

Or possibly, a stab at Bowhunting? Bullriding? Hanging out with somebody other than hedge fund managers?

Our second thought: Since we've all heard Secretary C's unfortunate laugh, how would journalists and other observers describe the Great Bark?

Well, some said it sounded like a border collie. Others like a miniature poodle. Or an anxious chihuahua.

Somebody, probably a Republican, mentioned a dingo. And someone else, clearly a Sanders supporter, unkindly used the word hyena.

In any case, not to be outdone, there are rumors that other Presidential hopefuls have hired voice coaches and are diligently practicing their menagerie sounds.

Bernie Sanders, being slight, is thinking of adding a brawny Gorilla to his repertory. Chided for his mildness, John Kasich is considering a Lion. And Rubio and Cruz are said to be playing Rock/Paper/Scissors for the right to expropriate the defiant screech of a Hawk.

Donald Trump? "We're not sure yet," said a source close to the sound-bite-loving candidate. "But we can say it definitely will not be a Rhino."

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Politics on the Orient Express

Speaking to CBS This Morning before Saturday's GOP debate in South Carolina, RNC chair Reince Priebus stated that the race for the GOP Presidential nomination was rife with "Drama and Intrigue."

 On the other hand, said Priebus, "if you look at what's happening in the Democrat(ic) Party . . . .

  . . . . it is A Complete and Total Trainwreck."

Wow! All in all, we think we'd much rather embrace our inner Boris and Natasha.


Friday, February 12, 2016

The Goven

When shall We Three meet again
In electoral triumph or electoral pain?
The Goven, the Goven, the Goven

When the Town Halls all are done,When the Eight have lost or won,
Ere the rising of the sun . . . on primary day.
The Goven, the Goven, the Goven

I'm not that svelte, but I'm no fool.
I made Marco lose his cool.
New Jersey lately is fine and dandy
Even after Hurricane Sandy.
The Goven, the Goven, the Goven

Newspapers love me, editors quiver
And most of the Midwest I can deliver.
I can balance any budget with absolute aplomb
And while others are so noisy, I'm good at staying calm.
The Goven, the Goven, the Goven
Generals and admirals and diplomats I've got,
Plus I skewered Mr. Trump about his limo parking lot.
My Mom is a descendent of President Franklin Pierce
And esteemed by all as the Silver Fox, she
loves me something fierce.
The Goven, the Goven, the Goven
Double, double toil and trouble
Cruz may burn and Trump will bubble.
The Goven, the Goven, the Goven

By the (curse from the audience) of my thumbs
Wicked language leaves us numb.
The Goven, the Goven, the Goven

Open, locks! Whoever knocks,
The Goven hope for multiple shocks.
The Goven, the Goven, the Goven

And then there were Two . . .
The Goven, the Goven