Friday, November 4, 2016

What Podesta Hath Wrought

We all just knew - didn't we? - that Clintonista-In-Chief John Podesta's obsession with UFOs could have dire consequences.

Well, the spaceship may have hit the fan. Word has leaked that the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) has been holding a series of emergency conference calls with government agencies to vet places to house "Unaccompanied Alien Children," whose number now stands at a near-record 59,692 so far in 2016, many of them now detained in prefab housing near the U.S.-Mexico border.

We know what you're thinking. That "Alien" was a slip of the official tongue, and these unaccompanied children are just coming in from the expected places - Mexico, Central America, ISIS training camps . . . .

But what if we're wrong, and the  border Wall we need should be situated somewhere in the Stratosphere? 

Meanwhile, we're sure, like all children, Alien kids are cuddly and adorable. Soon they'll be up for adoption, and John Podesta may put in a bid for 10.


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